Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama For President!

"Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment

Would you capture it, or just let it slip?"
-"Lose Yourself" by Eminem

It's been about four years since the previous U.S. presidential election, and now, America has finally waited for another phenomenal moment. The 2008 U.S. presidential election polls are now over and competing rivals Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain have had their long waits paid off by now. It's been about a year or two since both presidential hopefuls have competed in their campaigns for presidency, and now the time has come, for one of them have seized the golden opportunity right before his very eyes. The winner of the presidential election is, obviously, and expectedly, Barack Obama, the junior senator from Illinois!

I am extremely glad to the fullest that Obama is the winner of the election and has been elected as the next president of the United States after George W. Bush. He won the 2008 U.S. presidential elections by a margin, achieving 52.9% of the votes while rival John McCain achieved 45.7% of the votes. Barack Obama is labeled by many Americans as the next Martin Luther King Jr., the 1960s Civil Rights politician who died of an assassination back in 1968. Obama's ideas for a better America has spontaneously boosted the morale of America and he has officially nailed his name into the pages of the books of American history by being America's first elected African-American president. Obama's charisma, ideas and family background has really drived many Americans into electing him for the next president of the United States. Additionally, his running mate during the election period, Joe Biden(below right), the Delaware senator, has also made it into the White House as the vice-president of the United States, after Dick Cheney. Obama is to me, just the right man for the White House, and there are reasons why I have supported him.

Why I have long supported Obama in the elections is mainly because of his aims. In his campaigns, he strongly addresses vital issues such as education, welfare, health care, energy independence increase and most importantly, the end to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. When he came to the discussion over these affairs, he would address these issues by pointing out what needs to be set on the road straight. His aims for a better America really boosted the morale of the American people and increased the frequency of America's diplomatic relations with other counties. Additionally, I also support him because of his background. Though he was brought up in a poor family and neighbourhood, and was sent to be educated in Indonesia during his childhood and teenage years, he had a remarkably high educational qualification, most notably his Ivy League education. He started off as the poor son of a Kenyan father and white American mother, but grew to become one of the most highly recognised people in the world by achieving an Ivy League education and political career. His international appeal was also what spurred me to support him in the elections. A survey conducted showed that 22 countries preferred him to winning the elections ahead of John McCain, 17 out of which expressed that diplomatic ties with America and the rest of the world would improve. Besides, Obama's image as the hopefully first black American president had earned him the reputation of hopefully being able to change America's racial issues for the better. I have really adored supporting Barack Obama in the presidential elections.

For all those McCain supporters who have thought that Arizona Senator John McCain had won the elections, I only have one thing to say: WAKE UP. Face it, it's a fact that he has lost to Obama in the bid for presidency. Reason being why I did not support him during the elections period is because I feel that McCain, as a Republican, would become the next George W. Bush. A warmongering Texan whose aim is only to start wars and have thousands of Americans, as well as innocents, killed. John McCain has been quoted to be agreeing with Bush's ideas 90% of the time. The Republicans initially were a competent political party, but now to me, they are like a political party consisting of warmongers, and that is all thanks to the reputation of George Bush. How I wished Al Gore had beated Bush back in the 2000 elections, then probably all of this mess would not have happened. Besides, Al Gore is not just a politician, but an environmentalist as well. Besides, at 72 years old, I think that McCain is far too old to be president, though I have to admit, like Obama, he'll also make history if he wins; he'll be the oldest elected president at the age of 72, beating Ronald Reagan who was elected into the White House at 69 years old in 1981. And who knows what could be the possible consequence if McCain dies while in office due to old age? Running mate and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin would have to replace him. And the worst part of it is, I think that if Sarah Palin takes over, America's morale would degrade much further into its abode of darkness. Why I think so? Because she is rash, naive and inexperienced. She says things without even thinking, which is obviously quite ridiculous. Therefore, Obama is the better man for the job as he even has backing from not just his running mate Joe Biden, but his Democratic companion, Hillary Clinton, the wife of former president Bill Clinton.

Well, all's been said, I have hopes that Obama would be able to change America's image for the better and that he would introduce his planned policies over issues, such as increase in energy independence, greater racial harmony, civil rights, and most probably, and end to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan by pulling out US troops out of those two countries, and probably lose the idea of searching for the man Bush has been hunting, Osama bin Laden, the leader of the terrorist organisation, Al-Qaeda. Additionally, I am definitely sure that with Obama as the president of the United States, America's diplomatic ties with the rest of the world would spontaneously improve and that the world could prove to be a better place with Obama.

Congratulations, Obama. You have won the elections, you are sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, and now, it's the time for you to make America proud and change her image for the better. You will be officially inaugurated into presidency on January 20th, 2009. :)

Sorry, McCain, you're just not the right guy for the White House. *raspberries*

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