Friday, October 24, 2008

Year 1.2 Week 1 Evaluation

It's been a whole new week of school, and I have to admit, life now in school is not getting any easier. The workload for this semester is a completely heavy burden and seeing the whole load of assigments and projects I have to commit to just simply bulges my cheeks out, shoots my eyes out of their sockets and makes me just want to really regurgitate my guts out. I really can't imagine my class and I having to commit to this much workload compared to the previous semester and I am so completely under surreal stress. The following is the evaluation of the 5 school days I went through:

Monday: I had an hour of Computing Mathematics 2(CMaths2) lecture and 2 hours of Multimedia Project 1(MMP1) lab lesson . For CMaths2 lecture, we were introduced to the fundamentals of functions and graphs, while for MMP1 lab lesson, we were introduced to Zoho, a system in the form of an online journal of sorts where we had to record in our Zoho notebooks over what is design all about, and we had to select a topic out of 6 for our research proposal and project. This was the least stressful day of the week I had.

Tuesday: I had an hour of Object-Oriented Programming(OOPG) lecture, 3 hours of Interface Design(IDES) lab lesson and an hour of CMaths2 lecture. There was no Applied Principles for Effective Learning 2(APEL2) class for today this week. For OOPG lecture, we underwent revision for what we have learnt in Problem Solving and Programming(PRSP) the previous semester. For IDES lab lesson, we were introduced to our first sketching-based lesson, where we went to the library to borrow a book that relates to IDES and we have to read through it and in the following lesson we are to explain what the book is all about. Additionally, we are also given our first design exercise. For CMaths2 lecture, we continued on the fundamentals of functions & graphs. This day is when the stress level starts to rise.

Wednesday: I had an hour of OOPG lecture, 2 hours of Information Literacy for Effective Communication(CMSK3) tutorial and 2 hours of OOPG lab lesson. For OOPG lecture, we continued PRSP revision and were introduced to a new programming topic called classes. For CMSK3 tutorial, we were given a few handouts about information sources and we were also briefed on a report writing assignment we are to submit in around the 14th week. For OOPG lab lesson, we once again did revision on PRSP and we were given some lab tutorial questions to attempt. This is when my stress level rises to the upper middle range.

Thursday: The most stressful of this week's school days. I had 2 hours of MMP1 lab lesson, 3 hours of Digital Tools and Techniques(DTAT) lab lesson and an hour of Introduction to French language and culture(French) lecture. For MMP1 lab lesson, we watched a small video clip called Better by Design, about a group of aviation engineers and professionals conjuring several suitable designs for the seat of aeroplanes, followed by which we were to record another entry in our Zoho notebooks which encompasses what we have learnt from the video. Our first DTAT lesson was the lesson of the week which gave us quite a scare. We were imposed with so many strict rules such as the prohibition of using MSN and playing games during the lab lesson, which made me dislike our DTAT lecturer. The worst part is, we are to do a couple of painfully arduous assignments, which makes my guts really spill out and not want to elaborate what they are about. Since it was our first lesson, we were dismissed early at around 1.30pm, following which I had to wait for 4 and half hours for my French lecture to start. In that meantime, I just sit around in the PC lab surfing the Internet for a while just to reduce my boredom, and talk to friends just before heading for French lecture, which ended at around 6.45pm. The French lecture was awesome, it seemed like an interesting language to learn and the lecturer was really very willing to help us. The interesting pace of the French lecture really caused a decline in my stress.

Friday: The most fun day of the week. I had only 2 hours of French tutorial in the morning, where we learnt the basics of French such as greetings and informal conversation aspects. I really find this CDS a very interesting one as I get to learn another foreign language and its culture. I even had the opportunity to make new friends from other courses and get to know them better. Having this lesson just really boosts my morale as laughter and happiness filled up the tutorial room with the students enjoying practising the language and how to pronounce certain French words. This was by far, the best day of the week.

Following my CDS class and after my prayers, I went to Orchard Cineleisure to watch the based-on-video-game movie Max Payne. It was quite an awesomely action-packed movie, with a lot of gunfights and violence but lacked in terms of storyline significance. Other than that, the movie was quite alright. Following which, I went to walk around Orchard just to try to erase my boredom for a little bit.

So far, all in all, this week has been stressful for a first week though Friday was the best day I had of the week, as I have only lessons for my CDS, a fun and extremely interesting one. I am really looking forward to the class next Friday. :)

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